Transform Your Sales Funnel with AI-Crafted Copy and Customer-First Strategies- TO | BY | FOR

This article looks at using AI to write copy for lead generating funnel pages. Can we trust copy generated by AI? Using a MECLABS AI Guild   thinking tool, I apply TO, BY, FOR to AI copy output. TO, BY, FOR - a three line heuristic to structure an effective customer-centric objective.

MECLABS TO BY FOR hero image

This article's Use Case:

A recruiting funnel. A lead generation funnel designed to recruit representatives. Prospects would join a direct marketing company as an independent sales consultant. The company sells beauty products.

Plain sailing to use AI to write copy

It is all plain sailing to get AI (ChatGPT, Bard and such) to write marketing copy. To generate elements that inform our landing pages.

Elements such as:

  • Custom profile;
  • Target audience; and
  • Buying triggers.

First, use AI to generate this information. Use this information to craft a prompt. The prompt designed to build landing page copy. If so instructed, headings, subheadings and call to action are also produced.

I did such an exercise. I used ChatGPT and Google Bard. See the results of the combined outputs here.

The copy, on the surface, seems good. Producing a message that seems to be on point.

With a few tweaks, we take the AI output and paste it into our sales funnel. A job well done, and in record time, right?

Not so fast!

MECLABS Institute - Become a Marketer-Philosopher: Create and optimize high-converting webpages

In the MECLABS Institute free online course  , Become a Marketer-Philosopher: Create and optimize high-converting webpages, Flint McGlaughlin   states:

’The number one reason our pages fail is because we do not focus EVERY element on the right objective.’ Furthermore, at least 70% of the signal set should be focused on a single objective.

We market to achieve an outcome, a conversion. To convert, our recruiting page needs to focus on a single objective.

The objective can not be random. We derive our objective from our Value Proposition.

As regard to Value Proposition, Flint states: β€˜...we begin with what we want, not what the customer wants.’

A big mistake. Why?

The mindset is wrong, so the behaviour is wrong, so the results are wrong. Less than what we hoped for.

Flint gives a three line heuristic to help structure an effective objective. This will put our value proposition in the customer's perspective. Starting from this perspective, we align our objective.

  1. TO: TO help my customer with 'x'
  2. BY: BY giving them 'y'
  3. FOR: In exchange FOR 'z'

In my mind, the customer objective comes first, my objective is last.

We apply the TO, BY, FOR process to different levels of our business. At a macro level and micro, sub-set levels. We apply the micro, sub-set, to a specific page. It is a more focused and targeted nuance of the macro. Many nuanced sub-sets will exist.

This is an important point. A website could contain subsets of key converting pages. Each aligned to the business objective. Yet, each nuanced to the objective of that specific page.

TO, BY, FOR applied to our copy

I applied the TO, BY, FOR process to our recruiting page.

  1. TO help busy moms understand they can begin the road to financial freedom.
  2. BY introducing them to the benefits of our direct marketing beauty network. And giving them a clear way to find out more information,
  3. In exchange FOR contact information.

Here is the outcome.

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