The Problem: The ability to style subtle differences to list pages that are generated out of a single view. Typically, the view would take a contextual argument. In my case the contextual argument is a Taxonomy term ID. The View path would be something like /view-path/%
where % is the term ID. We want to set a CSS class unique to the term ID passed as an argument to the View.
I wanted to create visual difference with the use of CSS mask
and background
properties. To the page of term ID A, I want to use a mask
and to term ID B, I want to us background
The solution: Use HOOK_preprocess_html()
in a custom module to set a class on the body tag.
The Process
Within out custom module:
- Declare the HOOK_preprocess_html() function.
- Get the page we are on using
. - Do a check against the returned URI to ensure we are applying functionality to the correct pages.
- Extract the term ID from the URI and get the term Name using
\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load ($termm_id);
- Attach a unique class using
. - Test and deploy.
THe HOOK_preprocess_html() Function
Our code will look something like this:
/** * Implements HOOK_preprocess_HOOK() for html */ function my_module_preprocess_html(&$variables) { $current_uri = \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri(); $uri_parts = explode('/', $current_uri); if ( $uri_parts[1] === 'path_segment_from_view') { $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load ($uri_parts[2]); if ($term) { $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'some-class--' . strtolower($term->name->value); } } }
If we inspect the body tag on the two pages:
- The page at
now has a classbody class="some-class--first-term-name
/ - The page at
now has a classbody class="some-class--second-term-name
Then in our style sheets we can target each page with our unique class. Something like:
body { &.some-class--first-term-mame { .target-element { &::after { background-color: #594f54; -webkit-mask: url("path_to_svg.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%; mask: url("path_to_svg.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%; mask-size: cover; } } } &.some-class--second-term-mame { .target-element { &::after { background: transparent url("pat_to_png.png") 0 0 no-repeat; background-size: cover; } } } }
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I am available for remote freelance work to select clients. Please contact me
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